Category Archives: Programming

“Uncaught exception Fuel\Core\Database_Exception: No MySQLi Connection”


Upon trying to run some migrations in FuelPHP via command line with Oil I ran into this error message containing the error

Uncaught exception Fuel\Core\Database_Exception: No MySQLi Connection

I discovered that when running from the command line my normal php.ini was not being run. PHP was using the defaults, including the default mysql socket which was in the wrong place.


In my case I created a symlink to redirect which seems to have done the trick. I am running Mamp on OS X in default locations so your directories may differ.

cd /var/mysql

sudo ln -s /Applications/MAMP/tmp/mysql/mysql.sock mysql.sock

There may be a better fix and this may be a symptom of something else being ‘off’.  I initially created a /etc/php.ini with the proper socket location directive but this did not work out properly, possibly due to permissions or something.

WordPress options in Standalone vs Multisite ( aka update_option vs update_site_option )

While researching how data needed to be migrated for Multisite functionality in BackupBuddy I’ve had to do a lot of digging into the differences between how options (and other) data is stored and retrieved in Standalone versus Multisite WordPress setups. This was an extremely confusing venture and not intuitive at all. I’ll start with a table of my resulting findings and explain from there. In this example I’m using update_option() and update_site_option(). The same structure is followed for transients and other data as well so this basis should work for you. It is important to note that when in a Multisite environment the terms site and blog are used interchangeably by WordPress core in code and mean the same or entirely different things depending on context. This is an unfortunate failure of WordPress and adds to the confusion.

  update_option update_site_option [global]
Standalone Site wp_options [local (effectively global)] wp_options [global]
Multisite Main Site or Network Admin wp_options [local] wp_sitemeta, site_id (aka network id) set [global]
Multisite Site (non-main site) wp_##_options [local] wp_sitemeta, site_id (aka network id) set [global]

In a Standalone WordPress installation update_option() stores data in the wp_options database table. The update_site_option() function falls back to update_option() when in standalone mode so there is really not much of a functional difference here. This data can be updated / retrieved anywhere in the WordPress installation so it’s effectively global. It’s best to use the proper one though in case the site is ever migrated into a network with BackupBuddy.

In a Multisite WordPress installation things get … weird and non-intuitive. The verbage used by WordPress is very confusing unfortunately. (Individual sites in a Network installation are called Sites — but in code they are often called blogs and you can have multiple blogs within a site (you can technically have multiple blogs within multiple sites within one Network but that’s another story…). Things vary depending on where you are so keep your eye out for this. If you are in the main site dashboard, main site front-end, or Network admin, update_option() will place data in wp_options. Data manipulated while in the Network Admin behaves as if it was manipulated within the Main Site (!). If you are in another of the Network’s site admin/dashboard that is not the main site and not the Network Admin then update_option() stores data in wp_##_options where ## is the ID number of the blog. These options are only available within the respective area. These are `local options`. If at any time you want to set an option that is globally accessible by its name anywhere in the entire network use update_site_option().

General Setup menu missing in Eventum

A couple of weeks into using Eventum, the bug tracking system made by the creators of MySQL, the General Setup section under Administration disappeared. This was where you would set up all of the Eventum-specific settings such as email configuration, notifications, etc. I was still able to add and manage projects but not configure Eventum itself. I discovered this post which offered a working fix for this problem. Here is the working solution they provided (works as of Eventum 2.3.1):

Apparently, it sometimes happens that your account is not registered as an ‘Admin’ account. You have find the id of your user account in the table ‘user’. Then find the corresponding row(s) in the table ‘project_user” and set the field ‘pru_role’ to ’7′.

Submit unchecked checkbox value

I had never noticed before that submitting a form with unchecked checkboxes in it results in those checkboxes not being sent to the server at all. I had always assumed that a zero ( 0 ) would be sent for unchecked since a one ( 1 ) is sent when checked. Rather than add code to specifically handle these individual checkboxes, you can just add hidden inputs above the checkboxes in the HTML with a value of zero like this:

<input type="hidden" name="box1" value="0" /> <input type="checkbox" name="box1" value="1" />

This is a much simpler solution that doesn’t require writing any additional code or sending an array of checkboxes. I chose this method since I was using an automated Settings saver in PHP so it would be a pain to modify it and it could make the code more dirty.

Thanks to iamcam for writing about this.

Return URL at cursor position in textarea

One of the requested features for was the ability to navigate links in the textarea without having to highlight, copy, and paste them into the user’s browser URL input. I thought it would be simple to code some javascript to parse the URL around the cursor’s position. I was sadly mistaken. The methods and properties for textarea are a ridiculous mess and very non-standard. After a ton of trial and error, Googling for hours, and reading tons of documentation, I was able to piece together the following code. Keep in mind that I am very new to javascript. This could probably be done much better and may have bugs though it seems to be working fine so far. It seems as if absolutely no one has been able to get this to work before so I figured I should share it with the rest of the internet.

View source code with tabs and spacing intact [].

* MicroSwift graburl() (C) Copyright 2009 All Rights Reserved.
* Created exclusively for use on by Dustin Bolton
* Leave these top 3 lines if using this on your own site or editing, please.
* Last updated: 7/17/09. Now works in FF & Internet Explorer.
* graburl(textareaobject)
* Returns the url found touching the user’s current cursor position.
* User may have to click first in the area sometimes. Not sure of a workaround
* Only tested in firefox so far!
* I hate textarea javascript… textarea is designed so poorly and inconsistent.

function graburl(o) {
if (o.setSelectionRange) {
caret=o.selectionStart; // Set initial caret position when clicked.

// Find beginning of url
while(i>0) {
if ((charcode==10)||(charcode==32)) { // If line feed or space, reached left border
i=-1; // branch out
if (linestart==-1) { linestart=0; } // Hit BOF

// Find end of url
while((i0)) {
if ((charcode==10)||(charcode==32)) { // If line feed or space, reached left border
i=-1; // branch out
if (lineend==-1) { lineend=o.value.length; } // Hit EOF

} else if (o.createTextRange) { // Internet Explorer
r.moveToPoint(window.event.x, window.event.y);
// Start at cursor and go left until we hit a space or weird character.
while( (i>-9999)&&(done==false) ) {
r.moveStart(‘character’,-1); // Step caret left one position (move START first!!!)
r.moveEnd(‘character’,-1); // Step caret left one position
if ( (r.text.charCodeAt(0)==32) || (isNaN(r.text.charCodeAt(0))) ) {
} else {
// Move cursor back to original point.
r.moveEnd(‘character’,i); // Step caret right one position (move end FIRST!!!)
r.moveStart(‘character’,i); // Step caret right one position
// Start at cursor and go right until we hit a space or weird character.
while( (i<9999)&&(done==false) ) {
r.moveEnd(‘character’,1); // Step caret right one position (move end first)
r.moveStart(‘character’,1); // Step caret right one position
if ( (r.text.charCodeAt(0)==32) || (isNaN(r.text.charCodeAt(0))) ) {
} else {
// url=suspected url. Check it for http and stuff…
if ( (url.substring(0,7).toLowerCase()==’http://’) || (url.substring(0,8).toLowerCase()==’https://’) || (url.substring(0,5).toLowerCase()==’ftp://’) ) {
return url;
} else {
return ‘error’;